In the year 198 of the Age of the Sun, Tokyo, the world’s most populous city, thrives as a bustling cosmopolis. However, this bustling metropolis faces an unusual and deadly threat from devils. These malevolent creatures have the terrifying ability to cause individuals to spontaneously burst into flames at random, spreading chaos and fear among the populace.
Amidst the crowded streets and towering buildings, the people of Tokyo live in constant fear of these deadly devils. The sudden outbreaks of flames leave devastation in their wake, and the city’s inhabitants are desperate for protection and salvation.
The story likely follows the struggles and challenges faced by the residents of Tokyo as they try to coexist with this deadly menace. It may focus on individuals or groups who rise to fight against the devils, seeking to protect their city and loved ones from this terrifying threat. The narrative could explore themes of survival, heroism, sacrifice, and the resilience of humanity in the face of overwhelming adversity. The high-stakes and thrilling nature of the plot, coupled with the unique fantasy element of spontaneous combustion, promise an exciting and action-packed storyline.
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