“Anxious People” is a captivating novel written by Swedish author Fredrik Backman. The book follows the story of a group of strangers who become hostages during a failed bank robbery attempt. The plot of the novel revolves around the investigation of the incident by a group of police officers, as well as the personal stories and struggles of the hostages.
The novel’s protagonist is a young police officer named Jimenez, who finds herself struggling to solve the case and understand the motivations of the hostages and the robbers. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers the unique personalities and challenges of each of the hostages, ranging from a wealthy couple on the brink of divorce, to an elderly woman with a mysterious past, to a young gay man struggling with his identity.
Through its clever storytelling and sharp humor, “Anxious People” delves into themes of love, loss, mental health, and the human condition. The book offers a poignant commentary on the anxieties and fears that plague people in modern society and explores the power of human connection and empathy in overcoming them.
Overall, “Anxious People” is a touching, witty, and insightful novel that will leave readers pondering the complexities of the human experience long after they finish reading.
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